Cowboy Skull Gunslinger Hood Ornament Sculpture
Cowboy Skull Gunslinger Hood Ornament Sculpture
Cowboy Skull Gunslinger Hood Ornament Sculpture
Cowboy Skull Gunslinger Hood Ornament Sculpture
Cowboy Skull Gunslinger Hood Ornament Sculpture
Cowboy Skull Gunslinger Hood Ornament Sculpture
Cowboy Skull Gunslinger Hood Ornament Sculpture
280.00 GHS
Cowboy Skull Gunslinger Hood Ornament Sculpture

🤠This is definitely one of the coolest hood ornaments on the planet! 💀A outlaw Preacher skeleton skull carrying his trusty iron ready to take some duels. This doing old metallic texture effect hood ornament will look really cool on your car.


☠️Now you can get handmade hood ornaments. This accessories are one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to make a huge impact on your ride's style.
It became an automotive art form and a focal point for personalizing cars.

🔫Hood ornaments were popular in the 1920s through the 1950s, and many automakers installed them on their vehicles as the ultimate symbol of luxury.
If you're not going to put it on your car or motorcycle, it will look great even if you display it at your desk, break room or restaurant.

🔧The cowboy skull gunslinger is 4.5″ wide x 6″ tall and it has 2 – 1/4 20 studs cast into the base for mounting. The cowboy skull gunslinger is a universal fitting hood ornament. Drilling will be required. As long as the hood is flat this product will fit nicely to it!


Material: Metal

Weight: 80g

Dimensions: 4.5 "wide x 6" tall

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